
Total energy consumption on campus- Final graph

This graph shows the total energy consumption on campus. By looking at the trend, we can get the conclusion of the highest and lowest energy used hours during the day. The trend reaches the highest peak during the hours from 22:00 to 23:00 and 7:00 to 8:00, showing that these are more likely the hours when people prepare to go to sleep and wake up. The graph below shows that the energy used for heating places in first when it comes to the total consumption amount, followed by kantina kitchen and bathrooms which are placed in the second. The energy for showers is placed in third and is followed by lights and utc. 

The table of all kinds of energy consumption

From the table above, we can tell that even though the lights are used more often in kantina than in kitchen, the average consumption of lights is quite lower in Kantina, because of the that fact that Kantina kitchen uses high rate of energy within a short period of time, while lighting takes less energy in every hour. Moreover, heating is the most used kind of energy on campus since most of students require it to warm out rooms for 24/7 under such weather condition. For UTC, the least used kind of energy on campus. Because not every student uses the UTC every day and partial first years are off campus, it consumed very little energy.

Bathroom water consumption

This graph shows the water used counted in kWh in the bathroom, including the faucet and the toilet flusher. The trend reflects the fact that people constantly go to bathroom for different purposes and water is regularly used, however the usage drops from 2 a.m to 6 a.m as it is the time when people are usually not awake.  

Energy used for kantina kitchen- Final Graph

By looking at the graph, we can tell that the highest energy consumption hours are the hours when the kantina starts to prepare and provide food for the students and staffs. Due to the fact that the kitchen is only allowed to be used by kitchen staffs, no energy will be used apart from their working time. As viewing the trends in the graph, we can tell that it rises during the time from 11 a.m to approximately 12:30 a.m ,15:00 p.m to around 18:30 p.m and also slightly rises between 6:30 a.m to 8:30 a.m. After going through the mentioned time above, the trends directly decreases and even reaches zero energy used during the hour of 22:00 to 05:00. 

Energy consumption for showers

The time for using shower is quite focused, mainly during the evening and the morning, because majority of the students take shower before going to bed and after waking up in the morning. In addition, much more students use shower in the evening than in the morning. We can assume that many second years spend time studying in the morning for mocks and take a shower in the evening to save time.

comparison of energy for heater and for lights

the following two graphs show the energy consumption between heating and lights. During the night, due to the decrease of temperature outside, it took more energy to heat the room. Therefore, the energy consumption for heating increases during the night and decreases as the temperature rises in the morning. While the energy for lights is opposite. Except for street lights, most of lights on campus were turned off, using less energy during the night from 11PM to 7AM. However, in the morning around 7AM, because the insufficient sunlight, students consumed more energy for lights.

Data collection

While Daniel and Otto are analyzing the data. Leo, Joy and Dicky are collecting more data!